Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sudden Thought

Late last night, sudden thought: I've heard of guys who have three nipples (that assassin in one of the Bond movies, Chandler, Damon Albarn [actually I'm not sure about that last one, night have been a dream]). Never girls. Is it a male only mutation? I'd google but I'm scared of what I might find.


Be in my solo said...

so search wikipedia then...

Aileen O'Carroll said...

didn't ann boylin have three nipples?

Queenie said...

I believe girls have it too.

ian said...

Don't forget Oolon Colluphid, the triple breasted whore of Erotica Major.

Anne Boleyn is meant to have had all kinds of extra things.

Unknown said...

Lilly Allen, the British, er, performer, has a third nipple.
Please don't ask me how I know this....